Become a Member

Through our recently adopted 2021-2024 strategic plan, Event Atlantic is re-developing its membership program to ensure it aligns with our Core Values, Priorities and Strategies. With all previous benefits remaining, Event Atlantic is dedicated to continuing to grow the program, ensuring it best supports members in their work in the Event Tourism industry.
Our Members Include:
Academic Institutions, Consultants, Event Properties, Event Tourism Organizations, Government Agencies, Sport Organizations, Students, Venues and more!
Benefits of Membership:
- Opportunity to join a Working Committee
- Industry engagement and networking opportunities
- Summit Registration discounts
- Voting privileges
- Access to Event Atlantic professional development webinars
- Access to Event Atlantic Best Practice Missions
- Hosting opportunities for our annual Summit and provincial in-person professional development sessions (currently being developed)
- Access and subscription to Event Atlantic’s newsletter “The Current”. With the opportunity to share your successes and best practices with the region.
- Increased visibility through directory listing and social media mentions
- Subscription to ADRENALIN magazine
- Nominations eligibility for annual Event Atlantic Excellence Awards
- In Development: Access to a members-only portal database containing best practice resources.
Membership Investment:
$249.00 +hst
membership is inclusive of all represenatives of an organization
$99.00 +hst
for Students