A message from Event Atlantic

We are currently in uncharted territory and the impact on event tourism is hitting hard with many events having to postpone, or in some cases, cancel altogether. The ripple effect throughout the Atlantic region is evident with many support industries such as accommodation providers, restaurants, transportation/service providers and many others seeing widespread layoffs. The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has captivated society and we face times of significant uncertainty.

It is important to use this situation as an opportunity to learn and grow as a community and collectively share all best practices pertaining to COVID-19. When our community faces a health issue, natural disaster, or other emergency, we have a meaningful opportunity to reflect on how we collectively manage through these occurrences as we continue to strive for resilience in our efforts.

The Event Atlantic Society – representing various venues, municipalities and event rights holders continues to monitor the developments of COVID-19 and its impact on the event industry. As a board we remain committed to keeping everyone informed and are currently gathering information in order to understand the extent of COVID-19’s impact, so we are able to share best practices in managing COVID-19 and rejuvenating the event tourism sector. We invite you to connect with one of our board members to seek guidance in your challenges and to share your successes as we work through these uncertain times together.

While we must focus on the best interest of public health and safety, we must also be optimistic about our future. The event industry is resilient and while the road forward will be difficult, we can and will make a remarkable comeback and continue to drive economic and tourism prosperity in the region.

New Brunswick
Bobby Despres ~ bobby.despres@fredericton.ca     |     Denis LeBlanc ~ denis.leblanc@shediac.ca    

Tanya Haywood ~ THaywood@stjohns.ca     |     Seamus O’Keefe ~ sok@sokassociates.com

Nova Scotia
Matt Moore ~ mmoore@ratheastlinkcc.ca     |     Jennifer Shebib ~ jennifershebib@gmail.com

Prince Edward Island
JP Desrosiers ~ JP.Desrosiers@city.summerside.pe.ca     |     Wayne Long ~ wlong@charlottetown.ca

Stefanie Turner ~ stefanie@eventatlantic.ca