Best Practice Mission
Application Form
Though the responses to these questions are not used to determine an applicant’s eligibility, they are required to be completed in full to be considered as a participant. These questions are designed to be thought provoking and will provide potential applicants the opportunity to reflect on why they wish to attend, and/or if this mission aligns with their organization’s priorities.
Participants are required to:
- Have an Event Atlantic Membership in good standing.
- Complete the application questions in full.
- Give permission for photographs to be taken by participants or media highlighting the trip.
- Participate in all scheduled programming.
- Be comfortable participating in meaningful conversations.
- Submit a post-Mission report to Event Atlantic that includes your key takeaways, learnings and experiences.
Who will be selected
For those that meet the criteria outlined, each will be placed in a random draw based on the province they represent.
Eight (8) spots are available for this Best Practice Mission, with two (2) spaces being reserved for each of the four (4) Atlantic Provinces.